Tvorba web stránok

Price offer

Get a FREE price estimate for your inquiry. All you need to do is to e-mail us at

[contact-form-7 id="336" title="Cenova kalkulacia-ENG"]

Once you have a document to be translated do not wait - send it to us together with your inquiries and we’ll send you our price estimate right away.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on our phone numbers or call directly HOTLINE +421 911 310 566.

New customers enjoy activation discounts that later on become increased customer discounts receiving even more favorable prices.

We are not subject to VAT adding to our favorable prices.

We are ready to commence your project immediately after approval including a set deadline for service delivery.

Contact us easily during processing of your order daily from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. at our HOTLINE.

E-mail (questions, orders, advice):
HOTLINE: +421 911 310 566
OFFICE: Košická 6, 821 09 Bratislava GPS: 48°08'42.4"N 17°07'55.8"E

HOTLINE +421 911 310 566


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